About My Mitzah Project

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back at the CAS on Sunday

I have been away all summer, but I got back to the Catskill Animal Sanctuary this Sunday. It was so great to be back. The place looked great but there was lots of water everywhere, especially in the goose pen. They've built a barn and have a CSA (community supported agriculture) going. They had a summer camp this summer.

Here's a video from some of the things from the day:

Some of the things I did Sunday: I picked up sticks that had fallen all over after all the rain and Hurricane Irene. The sticks were all in the animal's pens and along the sides of the roads. I then fed the geese. The geese kind of scare me but I used mind power over them to have them not scare me. They nip at me and it feels like I'm being pinched. I hopped in the truck with another volunteer to do the feed run but before that I cut up veggies. I fed the horses some hay but those that are under-sized, I fed alfalfa. Kathy Stevens said that alfafa is like chocolat cake to a horse, it fattens them up, but too much can not be too good for them.

Here are some pictures of the geese. One in winter:

And again on Sunday:

This is me cleaning some water bowls.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Amelia - The Pig

This is a favorite of mine, Amelia the little piglet. Here is what the CAS YouTube has about Amelia and her past life.
"Amelia was rescued from a woman with a long history of abuse towards her horses. Several months ago, when local authorities came by to investigate some complaints against her, they found Amelia wandering the property. Given that this individual had also begun breeding pitbulls, we believe that Amelia was meant to be used as "bait" to train the pitbulls to fight."