About My Mitzah Project

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Building a Barn at CAS

The Catskill Animal Sanctuary is building a barn. Check it out. They need our help...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday at CAS

I was at CAS today, on the day I usually go there. I like going on Sundays. Today I did a lot of vegetable cutting...a lot! Then I cleaned and swept out the barn. I also helped lead a horse back into the stall.

That was mostly it for today.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Heat Wave

It was really hot at CAS yesterday. I went there afterschool for a couple of hours. See this picture of the white board and notice what is written abut the rabbits needing ice water.

The first thing I did was drive around in a truck with Zack feeding the ducks, geese, horses and chickens. Then I re-bedded with shavings a horse stall. After that I cleaned out the barn and some of the horse stalls.

All the animals were just trying to stay as cool as possible by finding shade and staying comfortable.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Videos from CAS - CSA and Feeding the Pigs

Catskill Animal Sanctuary does a great job of spreading the good word about their wonderful work helping farm animals. They've got an active Flickr site and they upload videos to YouTube regularly. I'm fond of these two that just came out. The first is the weed garden, I mean the organic veggie garden, where Caleb and his mitzvah crew helped weed a couple of weeks ago. I think CAS is part of a CSA - Community Supported Agriculture.

And this one shows feeding the sweet yet grunty pigs. Who could not love a pig after seeing these big guys eating? They remind me of our cats. Now tell me the difference between a 'pet' and 'food.'